Check how much cancellation finders will charge

You’ll usually have to pay for a driving test cancellation finder service.
Every service will have its own prices and terms and conditions.
It’s important to make sure you fully understand how much you’ll pay before you consider signing up.
Check the price adds up
There are strict rules that businesses have to follow when they give prices for their services. The rules say:
- they must not make price claims that “mislead you by omission” (leaving something out)
- the prices they quote must include all non-optional fees and charges that apply
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says that, in general for all advertising in the UK, it regularly upholds complaints about a product that costs more than the stated price.
While there’s no record of any rulings against driving test cancellation services so far, it’s always worth being on the lookout for. And that goes for any service you’re paying for.
Complain about hidden charges
If you do become aware of hidden charges, it might mean the company is not following the rules.
Complain to the ASA if you think you’ve found misleading claims on a service’s website.
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